Zaghareet Polls

Announcing the Winners of the Golden Belly Awards for 2008!

The winners are:

Favorite Cabaret/Oriental Dancer
Princess Farhana (CA)

Favorite Ethnic Dancer
Lee Ali (CA)

Favorite Interpretive Artist
Rachel Brice (CA)

Troupe of the Year
The Indigo (CA)

Favorite Event/Promoter
Tribal Fest (CA)/Kajira Djoumahna (HI)

Best Kept Secret of 2008
Grace (OR)

Instructor of the Year
Saqra (WA)

Lifetime Achievement
Fahtiem (CA)

Favorite Musician(s)
Solace (CA)

Favorite Vendor
Black Lotus Clothing (CA)

Congratulations to all winners and to all who were nominated for the 2008 awards!

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